Saturday, September 8, 2007

Bookmark Meme

Okay, so I've been tagged. Kind of chain maily (is that a word?) but it does let me see what other people are looking at. So here are the rules and here are my bookmarked sites, with apologies to Alice for not following her meme when she first tagged me. Now I know what to do with it...I think.

Here are the rules:

1) Once you've been tagged, link your most recent bookmarked pages back to your blog

2) Name the tag that you have used so others can access the links easily in a blog post

3) At the end of your post, tag 6 people and list their names, linking to them.

4) Leave a comment on their blog, letting them know they've been tagged.

So what have I bookmarked on lately? - First heard about this on a podcast I was listening to. It might have been Wes Fryer but I really can't remember. Then today, someone twitted about it. So I tagged it. - Sorry this is so self-indulgent. I tagged it for later perusal and to think about how to link this to my blogsite. Colleen updated her site and I wanted it in my delicious account for my teachers to look at. Dave Cormier's blog on blogging. Wanted it for my web 2.0 class. Can't wait to try out Dvolver in school!

So now the question is, who to tag for this meme?

Chrissy - my Webcast Academy buddy
Jen Wagner - cause she's such a good online friend!
Kristin Hokanson - cause I love her twits and blogs
Cheryl Lykowski - another WA buddy and my SL apartment mate
Susan VG - WA again
Mr. Angeli - cause he's new to blogging with kids and I thought he might have fun with this

Enjoy, All.

Just a note written after the blog was posted: While I enjoyed looking at my recent saves and at the saves of the person who tagged me, I felt very guilty tagging others. Perhaps it's why I have never followed through on chain mail. Maybe these memes are not for me. Tagged people, let me know what you think. You're welcome if you find it fun. And I apologize in advance if you are terribly annoyed by this.


ms. whatsit said...

I bookmarked the Zamar site also, but I haven't been able to copy a video clip with much success. I think it's because I use a Mac. Either that or I'm just a techno-tard.

Lisa Parisi said...

Well, Ms. Whatsit...hopefully we will be able to figure this site out. Zamzar looks and sounds very promising. I haven't tried it yet, though.