What Would It Take?
Last Sunday, we had a discussion on Conversations about alternative teacher certification programs, both pros and cons. Naturally, as usually happens, we digressed
toward the end, discussing the reality of teaching in poorer districts. What does it mean for the students when the districts can't find teachers to work there? The neediest students end up with the least experienced, most dissatisfied teachers. These are teachers who rarely stay long and don't try to change the system in any way. They just teach, day by day, waiting for the opportunity to work in a better district, for more money, with more materials. And the haves and the have-nots spread even further apart.
Now, I know that it isn't always like this. Yes, there are some brilliant teachers out there who work in inner city schools and do amazing things. Both Adina Sullivan and Brian Crosby jump immediately to mind. But these teachers are rare.
You should know I have experienced this for myself. For the first three years of my teaching career, I worked in two different inner city schools. My first year was in a different state. So as to not offend anyone, I will not name the sta
te. I will tell you, however, that I worked with very unimaginative teachers. The state had a mandate for how we were to teach. The Six Steps of Teaching were to be in every single lesson. I only remember Step One - tell the students what they are about to learn. So each lesson had to begin with the aim being written on the board. The Steps was a great idea for teachers who really didn't know how to teach. For me, fresh out of college, I was confused. I did not learn this way and wanted to try my own methods. Luckily, I had a principal who allowed me freedom. She told me that when she observed me formally, I had to follow the Six Steps. Otherwise, I was to do what I was comfortable doing. I had great support from my administration and great animosity from my colleagues. I was seen as an upstart and things didn't get any better when our students' test scores came in and mine were the highest in the grade. I only know this because the teacher with the highest test scores was made grade level chair for the following year. I deposed a 12 year grade level chair. I didn't stay to take the position.
My next two years were in a New York City school. It was a district where nobody wanted to w
ork. They were so desperate for teachers that one colleague was interviewed, hired, and placed in a classroom with students all in one day. The principal had two goals: discipline (which incidentally meant silence at all times) and higher test scores than comparative schools. We spent most of the year prepping for tests. When we were not prepping for tests, we were reading textbooks or writing in workbooks. There were no supplies and no support. We were not allowed to stray from the schedule of textbook pages and test prep at all - no exceptions. Okay, there was one exception. I managed to convince
my principal to let me take my bottom 5th grade class (students were grouped homogeneously by test results) on a field trip to the Museum of Natural History in Manhattan - by subway. As we left the building she spoke to the students. "Remember, you are representing ________ school and if I get a bad report about your behavior, you will have ruined the chances of any other class ever going on another field trip." I spent every day of those two years looking for another job and was so grateful to be able to leave.
So during our show on Sunday, I said I often think about what it would be like to go back to that school, knowing what I know now about teaching, and teach those students. And then I was asked what it would take to get me back. So here it is. My solution to getting good teachers, innovative teachers, excited teachers, into these districts that nobody wants to be in.
First, offer money. I would not take a pay cut at all to move to a different school. But money is not enough.
Next, offer support. Hire me for what I have to offer and then let me do it. Provide me with enough materials or allow me to go after grant money. Let me open up the world for the children and don't block me while I do that.
But, most i
mportant of all, give me a place to work where everyone has the same vision. I want to work in a school/district where there is one vision, where it is my vision (because of course I was hired because I share that vision), and where there is ample time for PD and collaboration with colleagues in order to reach our goals. And please don't make test scores a goal. I think if I had that type of school, I would be very willing to bring my expertise to an inner city school. I would love to work with the students who find that school is the only safe place to be. Give me the students who have nothing and let me show them what is out there for the taking. Let me try to connect with parents, even here. Because if parents can come into the school and find a safe haven too, then they will certainly help their children to stay there. I was not ready 23 years ago to fight the system in order to make a difference. Now I am but I want partners in that fight. Any administrators out there looking? ;)'214-28'
'Six Steps'
'1963, Cooper St'
'Atlas, it's time for your bath'
Well, you've heard of Deborah Meier, right? And the Coalition of (or for?) Essential Schools?
I bet you could find what you want!
Wow...I think about what you wrote about a lot! I spent 10 years in the worst school on the planet...that's right, we even had a little plaque declaring it.
I feel so guilty about leaving! and that was ten years ago. There is no way I could ever go back--it sucked the life out of me. It was simply a miserable place....but...I do think that it might be different if I came in with a team of people--think in my old city that a single person had a better chance of survival at elementary or high school.
Would money convince me? Yes. I hate to admit it but I am still under student loans etc...money would give me some breathing space. But it would have to be at least $20,000 more than I am earning now!
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