I always expect to improve each year, so I was expecting 100 miracles this year. I was expecting to top last year and have people carve my bust out of stone and place it at convenient locations to view across my town. But it was not to be…halfway through the year I realized that I was not being as successful as I had been in the past.
That last line really got to me - halfway through the year I realized that I was not being as successful as I had been in the past. This was exactly how I was feeling this year and for many of the same reasons as Paul. I had let myself become the most important person in the room. I made all decisions, chose all the demonstration methods, and taught all the lessons. My students loved coming to school but I wasn't as successful as I have been in the past. I am glad that both Paul and I recognize what went wrong so we can try again this year.

And that is what I keep thinking about days after reading his blog. I keep thinking about the kids I lost and how I would change things today. And maybe, I never really lost those kids.
There was Lionel (all names have been changed). He came to me with a classification and a huge chip on his shoulder. His parents were very powerful in the school community. They made the decisions about his education and God help the teachers who didn't follow along. I saw this entitlement as a real detriment to Lionel's maturation. He could not accept responsibility for anything. It was always someone else's fault. Even when he struggled with school work. It was my fault or the child who sat next to him and disturbed him or his mom who didn't help with homework. Never just a struggle. I worked all year to get him to be cooperative and responsible. I wanted him to learn the academics, but, until we got past the emotional part, the academics couldn't be addressed.

I let her move on to middle school knowing that she would not be successful. She ended up in a smaller class and felt even worse about herself. Cut to three years later. She comes back to visit and tells me that she has finally made it out of the self-contained class. "I just kept remembering how you told me I could do it if I only tried. So I finally tried. And I did it. My math and reading scores went up and I do my work now." Now I am sure that her middle school teachers also had much to do with her success, but it is good to know that I didn't really lose her. She just wandered away for a bit.

There are so many. Each year, I think of at least one child who I just didn't do right by. Last year it was Jason. He drove me crazy all year, barely doing any work, invading my personal space, interrupting conversations. But luckily, I get to have him again this year. I am going to make sure that I find my patience for him. He deserves it. He needs the attention. He needs the support. He needs to feel that I am thrilled to see him each day. And I will be...keeping in mind that I will not lose him!
So Paul Bogush, thank you for being such an amazing, honest teacher. Thank you for helping me face my shortcomings and do better. I am not the smartest in the room. But I am sure going to keep trying!
Thank you Lisa. I teach a 3 - 4 loop and feel the same way at times! very motivating. :-)
Such a tough post to read, it really brings back similar memories for me. I think it is important for us to reflect on our successes and our failures (real or perceived) because the reflection helps us become more empathetic with our students. Really, it always comes back to the relationships we form over the curriculum we teach. Thanks for sharing.
My biggest problem is that I never think about the distance we walk together, only where we are. Sometimes I think that I might assume I had an awesome year because we ended our journey so far out, but maybe the kids I got that year already had a head start. Some years I get kids who are way behind, and walk more miles than any previous class, but they still didn't even make it to the starting line. I guess it's not about getting from point A to B but about the journey, and I need to do a better job at realizing that we are moving forward, even if we are not were I wish we'd be.
Paul, you are so right. Especially in a testing system, we tend to think the kids must perform well on the tests or we failed. Sometimes, just getting someone to come to school each day is a success.
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