Read the article first and then come back and see my views.
1. I do not believe it is technology that is limiting students attention span. Give any kid an activity they love...build something, paint something, writing something, read something...and you will find a child who has a very long attention span. Children today, like always, have a longer attention span when they are interested in what is being taught.

2. Children today know that there are different ways to learn. They are unwilling or unable (depending on age and maturity level) to sit bored for 5 hours in a classroom when they know they can learn the same information watching a show on the Discovery Channel, or communicating with their friends, or creating a project. I know that every time I present a new topic, many hands go up to tell me about the movie they watched or the show on tv or the trip they took with their parents.
When I was in school, there was no Discovery Channel, movies were on 8mm reels and were boring (remember the voice overs), and creative teaching was usually a once a year activity. I still remember the one time we made candles in 4th grade. It is embedded in my memory because it was so unusual.

3. I do not put on a dog and pony show to get my students' attention. I teach them with short lessons and get them to understand that, when I am giving instruction, they need to pay attention so they can do the coming assignment. This takes "training." Children need to learn how to focus just like they need to learn how to write their letters. It is a skill and we need to teach it.

4. The communication skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) are greatly enhanced by technology. Knowing that the audience for their latest writing piece will be over 10,000 people who read our blogs is a much greater motivator than - do well so it shows in your report card. Working on projects with a class across the country forces students to improve their communication skills or they will be unable to complete the task. Email messages, message boards, chat rooms, and blogs all help to build communication skills.

This article was wrong on so many levels. How can you ask teachers yes and no questions and expect to get accurate answers? And how can you ask teachers who are trying to teach today the same way we taught 30 years ago if students have a shorter attention span? I have a shorter attention span! And, by the way, I clearly remember when it was Sesame Street that was ruining attention spans. This is not new.

What do you think?
I agree with you. I do not think technology is limiting students' attention spans. I think technology actually enhances their learning ability and helps them to be more interested in activities and lessons. It offers them another way to learn, different methods of grasping concepts and ideas.
Maybe it's less a case of attention spans lessening but more a case of that there is infinitely more things competing for our (and our students') attention now. I can recall a childhood with similar experiences to yours - there were huge expanses of mundane monotony - but the advent of connected technology means that society is awash in information, entertainment and other things designed to grab attention. We found it easier to concentrate as kids because there was simply less going on - which is borne out in your point that when kids can hone in on a singular focus or interest, their attention span is as good as any other time in history. Well, that's what I think anyway.
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