Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Let's Learn About Each Other - Or At Least Have Fun

Thanks to my good friend, Lee Kolbert, I now have a blog to post.  I have been feeling very guilty about not having an idea for a long time. This meme is a great way for me to get moving and for us all to learn about each other.

Be sure to read all the way to the end because YOU may have been tagged to do this on your own blog.

Here's how it works:

  1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
  2. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
  4. List 11 bloggers.
  5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. Don't nominate a blogger who has nominated you.
11 Random Facts About Me
  1. I never should have gone to high school.  It was a total waste for me.  But I would love to go now and learn what I missed.
  2. I love to talk.  Okay, anyone who knows me knows that but I really do love to have conversations.
  3. I live 1 mile away from where I grew up.
  4. When I graduated college, I ran from New York and moved to Texas for a year.  I found out I really like New York.
  5. I have always wanted to dress up for an event and be the person who everyone looks at (in a positive way) when I walk into the room.
  6. I dream of writing a book about my classroom.  I am just waiting for the perfect story to happen.
  7. I was always horrible at math.  I never understood the reasons why I did anything in math so none of it made sense.  I am a really good math teacher because I learned the why.
  8. I was the kid in school most hated by teachers.  I chewed gum, read and/or talked all day, and never organized anything.
  9. I have a beautiful Bengal cat, named Sunshine, who, I believe, is autistic.
  10. I hate going anywhere alone.  I feel very insecure, as if everyone is wondering why I have no one to be with.
  11. I love trying new foods and will take any opportunity to do so.
11 Answers to Lee's Questions
  1. What did you always want to "be" when you grew up?  I really always wanted to be a teacher...or a famous singer.  But you need musical talent for that one.
  2. What kind of car do you currently drive?  I drive a Honda Civic Hybrid.
  3. What would most people be surprised to find out about you? I have been teaching since I was 21 years old and fresh out of college with my bachelor's degree.  I have worked every year and every summer since I graduated.  That was 28 years ago.
  4. How much time passes between the time when you wake up and your check your phone? I keep my phone plugged in downstairs so I get myself ready first.  It takes about an hour.  But I check my Facebook, twitter, and email responses on my IPad as soon as I wake up.
  5. When did you last write a blogpost? I'm ashamed to say my last blog was written in September.
  6. Do you suffer from Imposter Syndrome?  No.  I really am not as qualified as others believe I am.
  7. What would you do if you were not afraid? I always wanted to go hang gliding but I really want to live more than I want to hang glide.
  8. What's the most bizarre food you've ever eaten? Frog's legs?  Tongue? Snails?  Take your pick. 
  9. Do you still live in the town where you grew up? Yes, but not because I loved it growing up.
  10. If you have kids, do you let them run around in restaurants? (If you do, I hate you!) I never, ever let my daughter run around in a restaurant when she was young.  What she does now as an 18 year old is beyond my control.
  11. What's your secret indulgence? I love watching detective shows like Rizzoli and Isles and Grimm.
Your 11 Questions

1. Where have you been outside of your country?
2. What is your favorite quote?
3. Have you ever been to a live concert? If so, whose?
4. What was your favorite book when you were a child?
5. What movie do you think everyone should see and why?
6. What do you do when no one else is around?
7. What are you better at than almost everyone you know?
8. If you had one hour to live and money was no object, what would you do?
9. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
10. What do you love about where you live? 
11. What is your secret indulgence?

Please come back here and comment if you post a blog.  I chose people I haven't connected with in a while and miss or people I just love to hear from.  And if I didn't tag you (it doesn't mean I don't love to hear from you) and you want to do this anyway, feel free and comment here so I can find out more about you.

1. Donna Roman

2. Karen McMillan
3. Stacy Kasse
4. Karen Janowski
5. Maire O'Keefe
6. Andrea Keller
7. James Cowper
8. Paul Bogush
9. Amy Mayer
10. Thomas Whitby
11. Jenny Luca


Amy Mayer said...

11 Answers, 11 Questions, 11 Friends http://bit.ly/11Friends Thanks for inviting me, Lisa!

Amy Mayer said...

11 Answers, 11 Questions, 11 Friends http://bit.ly/11Friends Thanks for inviting me to play Lisa. That was fun!

loonyhiker said...

I enjoyed learning more about you!

Wesley Fryer said...

You should totally start writing that book about your classroom NOW, Lisa! There has never been a better time in human history to become a published author. Today, no one can tell you NO and stop this dream from becoming a reality. Kindle Direct Publishing... yes you can! You already have the stories inside you, just write down ideas as they come to you and they will flow. The time is now! Seize the day! :-)